A Sri Lankan Jackal lets out a long howl
Sorry Mr. Photographer chappie, did my howl scare off your subject? So sorry. You want to know why I’m howling? I’m practising for the night. You see, in folklore, my howl can herald misfortune or… bad weather at the very least. People believe all sorts of things! Oooh, you know what else they believe? That I am a supreme trickster who cavorts with death, acts as a spirit guide, and functions as a harbinger of doom! Hahah people, I tell you. Can’t say I don’t enjoy the notoriety though, it has its uses! There’s a fair amount of respect and, even fear, that comes with that reputation. So I practise during the day, to make sure I give them high quality howls at night. Keeps things interesting in their boring lives.

Fun Facts
Truth be told, I don’t have powers, hahaha! I’m just way more active at night. Easier to hunt small mammals, birds and reptiles… they never see me coming! Come to think of it, if it wasn’t for me and my adaptability to all the environments of this country, you would probably have a huge population explosion of those creatures which would end up upsetting the ecosystem! By the way, did you also know that I clean up after those high-and-mighty leopards? Just eat sloppily and leave, that’s what they do. Who do you think cleans up all that carrion that’s left behind and thereby stops the spread of diseases from rotting meat? Me. You’re welcome!
Story of the Photo
Whilst staying at the Mahoora Tented Safari Camp in Yala, Dilum was out on an evening safari when he spotted this jackal letting out a long howl.